Within the scope of the protocol, an important step was taken that can add value to our country in the fields of science, economy and higher education with the cooperation of projects, personnel, education and infrastructure in Health Biotechnology.
TUSEB President Prof.Dr. Erhan Akdoğan in his speech stated that Turkey's acceleration in the field of defense technology in recent years has come about as a result of will and the same will was seen in the field of health science and technologies, especially with the break after the pandemic. Akdoğan also stated that the local diagnostic kit and the local vaccine were carried out together with the support, coordination, guidance and cooperation models established by TÜSEB.
Marmara University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, on the other hand, first thanked the rectors of Yıldız Technical University and Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa for their will and determination during the establishment of SABIOTEK. In his speech, Kurt stated that the Ministry of Health has carried out studies that can be thought as an example in the world in the field of health and that TÜSEB has pioneered important works during the coronavirus period and added that he is hopeful that the cooperation in question will bear its fruits very soon.