Cumhuriyet Museum and Art Gallery
Cumhuriyet Museum is located at the southern part of the historical hipodrom along the Sphendone walls. The building, which is actually in use, composes of the moulds within the Sultanahmet Külliye that were procured to Architect Sedefkar Ağa by Ahmet 1st. Later at the beginning of the 20th century, Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Mines building has been constructed by adding additional floors to the shops which were located at the Horse Square front of the complex. After a while the corpus has turned into Istanbul Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy and then has been transferred to Marmara University in order to be used as Rectorate. Finally in 2008 the entrance of the Rectorate has grown into “Marmara University Cumhuriyet Museum and Art Gallery".
Marmara University Cumhuriyet Museum consists of Original Print Collection, İhap Hulusi Görey Gallery and Art Gallery.
It is open every day except Monday and Official Holidays, from 10 am to 5 pm.
Museum is free.
For detailed information:

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