Decent Work in Marmara

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Living Wage

Marmara University pays a certain salary to academic and administrative staff working within its body. This payment is determined at certain periods according to the economic development policy of the Republic of Turkey. All employees receive their salaries depending on their position and working conditions and payment transactions are made every month. Living wage is expressed as the minimum wage required for an employee to meet their basic needs. The salaries determined by the Republic of Turkey for academics and civil servants are presented below and Marmara University pays higher salaries than personnel working with minimum wage in the Republic of Turkey.


2023 Net salary  (TL)



Associate Professor


Assistant Professor


Research Assistant




Minimum wage in Türkiye


Minimum wage in the University


Employment Against Discrimination

At Marmara University, all individuals are given equal rights and freedoms, and employment is provided without discrimination based on religion, language, race and gender, and it undertakes to do so. In addition, Marmara University's intolerant approach to sexual harassment and gender has been determined with strict limits. Every individual at Marmara University can apply the directive published at the university even in the event of discrimination at work, and is also subject to the laws and regulations provided by the Republic of Turkey. In the event of any negative situation, the University undertakes to fulfill its duties as Legal Counsel and Personnel Department Head, primarily the Rector's Office. You can access the Marmara University Directive on Preventing Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination from the link1 and link 2.

Employment and Wage Equality

According to Article 43 of the Government Law No. 657 of the Republic of Turkey, all employees at Marmara University are paid fair wages without gender discrimination. The wages received by each employee are determined based on factors such as service class, job description, academic or administrative duty, and educational qualification. Marmara University complies with SDG 8. In this context, it undertakes to provide equal compensation for employees in the same position and position. Thus, equivalent opportunities are provided among employees with similar qualifications. The relevant regulations have been prepared and presented to employees in order to defend and protect the rights of each employee. You can access these regulations via the link.

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Employee Objection Process

Each employee within Marmara University can initiate the process by using the printed documents published by the university to protect their rights or object, and to correct any errors that may occur in their salaries and wages. These printed documents are published on the university website. In addition, remote access is provided and they can make their objections without coming to the university via the "Electronic Document Management System". They can monitor and manage the process with the tracking number provided by the system for the records they create in the digital environment. In addition, they can also forward any problems to the relevant unit with the help of the electronic environment via the Marmara Support software.

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Career Center

Marmara University Career Center was established to provide education, information activities and career consultancy services to our undergraduate, graduate and graduate students to help them gain the necessary competencies and skills for their individual and business career planning, job search, professional and personal development processes. For this purpose, it organizes various events such as seminars, introduction days, career fairs and summits, and business trips. In addition, it supports the establishment of platforms to bring students and the business world together by cooperating with relevant public institutions and institutions operating in the private sector. It also effectively uses the information management system for students to find internships and jobs and provides consultancy to them in these matters. Within the framework of our university's mission, it is to guide our students and graduates in determining their career goals, gaining a well-equipped infrastructure and gaining knowledge, skills and experience in this context, to contribute to their development and to support the training of individuals who will create added value to society.

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Alumni Collaboration and Economic Growth

Marmara University Alumni Office was established in line with the vision and mission of our school, to keep the sense of belonging of our students alive after graduation, to develop their relations with our university, and to strengthen cooperation, assistance and solidarity among our alumni. The goals of Marmara University Alumni Office are; To be enterprising, innovative and develop innovative thinking, To actively operate the Alumni Information System that includes the contact information of all our graduates and to ensure the sustainability of the university-alumni relationship by rewarding the achievements of those registered in the system in their professional lives, To organize social, cultural and scientific events that will bring our graduates together, To organize trainings for our graduates in order to implement the philosophy of lifelong learning, To publish news and announcements about our graduates and to share the projects that our graduates have put into action, To establish mentoring activities for our new graduates and students through effective communication between Marmara University alumni associations and our graduates, To share the experiences of our graduates with our students, To carry out social responsibility projects with our graduates, To cooperate with the Career Center so that our graduates can take effective positions in business life and to provide internship opportunities to students, To provide regular information to our graduates about developments in our school and progress in their professional lives through bulletins. Click for detailed information.

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This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 09.09.2024 09:35:52