Sustainable student clubs in Marmara
Students at Marmara University have established many student clubs within the scope of sustainability. These clubs organize many activities in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and set an example for society. These clubs carry out activities together with academicians who are experts in their fields. You can visit their WEB sites to get more information about the clubs.
Sustainable Business and Volunteering Club (SBVC)
The club aims to spread sustainability, social responsibility and volunteering awareness among the business world and students. It aims to develop projects that prioritize social benefit by collaborating with companies and to instill social responsibility awareness in our students. It aims to contribute to members' competence in leadership, teamwork and sustainable business models through organized events. In addition, career opportunities are offered through planned events and it also supports society to lead a better future with sustainability and volunteering awareness.
Engineering and Sustainability Club (EnSuS)
The aim of the club is to contribute to the creation of environmental sustainability and natural resource management awareness among students through various events and activities. At the same time, it is aimed to facilitate their familiarity with engineering applications and modern practices in this field.
Renewable Energy Innovation and Research Club (YEİAK)
Renewable Energy Innovation and Research Club (YEİAK) was established to raise awareness among Marmara University students about renewable energy sources and technologies. The club's mission is to produce innovative projects that encourage sustainable energy use, conduct research, and raise awareness in the university community. At the same time, it aims to develop students' leadership and entrepreneurial skills, turning them into individuals who will shape the energy sector in the future. YEİAK aims to contribute to society in energy efficiency and sustainability by collaborating with other universities, industry leaders, and civil society organizations. In this context, the club supports students both academically and practically with events such as seminars, technical trips, project development activities, and participation in national/international competitions.
Green Economy and Sustainability Club (YESK)
The Green Economy and Sustainability Club was established to spread the green economy approach, which aims for economic development without harming nature, within the university community. The club aims to build a more livable world for future generations by increasing sustainability and environmental awareness. To this end, it organizes events, projects and trainings that will raise awareness on topics such as renewable energy, circular economy, sustainable agriculture and waste management. It encourages students to be aware of local and global environmental problems and to take the lead in these issues. The club aims to serve as a platform that aims to increase environmental awareness and produce sustainable solutions within and outside the university.
Marmara Science and Technology Club (BİLTEK)
We aim to provide our participants with the opportunity for technical development through summits, technical trips and trainings that we will organize with the contributions of companies operating in sectors such as aviation, defense industry and space technologies. We will also encourage the sharing of information on current issues in the sector through scientific talks and symposiums. In addition, we will ensure that participants socialize and strengthen communication between them with fun events such as spring festival, mini concerts and arm wrestling. We aim to provide a rich experience in both technical and social terms.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 25.03.2025 14:03:22