Zero Waste Certificate
Marmara University has met the criteria for the Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate by implementing the following measures:
- Separating recyclable materials: Paper, glass, metal, and plastic wastes are collected separately from other types of waste.
- Strategic placement of storage equipment: Containers for glass and textile/clothing wastes are positioned in easily accessible locations to facilitate separate collection.
- Establishment of collection centers: Waste Collection Centers and collection points have been set up and are operational.
- Public information and waste collection program: A waste collection program has been established and communicated to the public, ensuring that waste is collected according to the schedule.
- Special waste management: Specific guidelines and information are provided for the disposal of batteries, vegetable waste oil, electrical and electronic equipment waste, medicine waste, and bulky wastes, directing them to the Waste Collection Center or arranging for their collection.
- Biodegradable waste recovery: Efforts are made to recover biodegradable wastes through separate collection methods such as composting and biomethanization.
- Awareness and data recording: Initiatives are carried out to raise awareness about the zero waste management system, with data being recorded to monitor the system's implementation.
- Compliance with provincial plans: The university adheres to the provincial Zero Waste Management System Plan.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 27.08.2024 18:04:38