Animal life on campus
Efforts are ongoing to address the nutritional, housing, and health needs of all living beings on campus, and to improve the welfare of the animals. The Marmara University Animal Rights Protection Club works to ensure that the cats and dogs living on campus lead longer and healthier lives. The types of animals living on campus include crow, parrots, ducks, rabbits, geese, roosters, chickens, cats, and dogs. Feeding stations have been established on campus to meet the nutritional needs of cats and dogs. Additionally, shelters and nests have been built for the animals. University students are able to feed the animals in the shelters.
Cat's Nest
Cat houses were built to shelter cats.

A coop was built to shelter and feed the animals.

Animal Feeding Stations
Animal feeding stations have been built to feed campus animals.

Animals in Campus
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Marmara University Animal Rights Protection Club
Marmara University Animal Rights Protection Club organizes events such as neutering events, food filling events, and shelter visits.

For detailed information, you can visit the Marmara University Animal Protection Club website.
Underwater Cleaning
In an event we organized in collaboration with the Underwater Cleaning Movement (STH), our experienced divers dived from Ortaköy Beach and collected waste in the sea. This event aimed to clean the environment and raise awareness not only underwater but also in coastal areas. The Underwater Cleaning Movement (STH) is a global initiative aimed at cleaning garbage and waste in the seas and oceans. STH aims to raise awareness about underwater cleaning and combat the problem of garbage by bringing together diving communities, environmentalists and sea lovers. This movement aims to reduce the negative impacts on underwater ecosystems for a sustainable future. As MÜSAS, we regularly participate in such events. In addition to contributing to underwater life with these events, we aim to raise awareness in society about environmental cleaning. The fact that STH is a global environmental movement allows us to contribute to these global efforts and fulfill our responsibility to protect underwater ecosystems. With such events, we aim to increase our sensitivity to our environment and make the underwater world a cleaner and healthier place. Click for detailed information.
Green World Blue Future
Our "Green World Blue Future" project, which we carry out every year on June 5th Environment Day, aims to emphasize environmental cleanliness and a sustainable future. In this project, which is carried out in Düşler Bay in Burgazada, active members of MÜSAS come together voluntarily and clean a total of 70 large garbage bags of waste from the beach. Our project aims not only to clean the environment but also to increase environmental awareness and create awareness for the protection of the underwater world. MÜSAS members work together in this event that emphasizes the importance of nature and water, and take responsibility for leaving a cleaner world for both the environment and future generations. The Green World Blue Future project is an expression of living with environmental sensitivity and responsibility not just for one day, but every day. Click for information.
Clean Water
As the geography teaching department, we use sustainable development and the environment as an important basis for our educational activities. We examined the sinkholes in the Konya region. With this examination, it is aimed for our students, who will be teachers in the future and who will educate new generations about the environment, to better understand and internalize the problems of climate change and water use. Similarly, it is aimed to increase awareness about wetlands and plants by going to the Ömerli and Aydos regions.
Waste Oil Project
The "Waste Oil Project" that we initiated and made permanent as MÜSAS emphasizes the necessity of recycling used vegetable waste oils that constitute 25% of marine pollution. The main purpose of this project is to raise awareness about the environmental effects of waste oils and to raise awareness about leaving a clean environment for future generations by educating children in particular on this issue. So far, approximately 5000 children have been reached within the scope of our project and informed about the environmental damage caused by waste oils and the importance of recycling. In addition, approximately 500 liters of waste oil have been recycled by collaborating with businesses in our immediate vicinity. This project aims not only to reduce the effects of waste oils but also to increase environmental awareness in society. With this environmental responsibility project, MÜSAS aims to both protect the seas and take a leading role in society in terms of waste management. Click for information.
Social Responsibility Activities
Our Marmara University students volunteered in the “Coastal Cleaning Movement”. This event is part of Marmara University’s efforts to increase environmental awareness and contribute to sustainable development goals. This voluntary work of the students is an important example of spreading environmental protection and social responsibility awareness.
Marmara University, as the Volunteering Activities Coordinator, launched the “Take Action Now” Campaign, aiming to raise awareness on climate change, environmental pollution and waste separation, especially underwater life. In this context, students volunteered together in the “Beach Cleaning and Waste Separation Event” held in Şile. In the event, garbage was collected from the Şile Uzunkum beach and then glass, plastic and metal waste were separated at the Şile Municipality’s waste separation center. Such activities are one of the important steps taken by Marmara University towards achieving the SDG targets and increase students’ environmental awareness, enabling them to contribute to a sustainable future.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 19.09.2024 16:46:00