Tenure or a career promotion system for interdisciplinary research

Marmara University offers and undertakes a tenure or career promotion system that promotes interdisciplinary research within the scope of the Interdisciplinary Science Rankings (ISR).

Marmara University has a system that supports interdisciplinary research and projects. It also provides a system that supports and follows the career advancement of each staff. It creates a bridge that will encourage each academician to work with different disciplines in different fields. Such studies, projects, and scientific publications provide opportunities for academicians to develop their careers.

Marmara University takes into account the academic success of each academician and the interdisciplinary studies in different fields. It provides incentives for the sustainability of the studies.


Academic incentive score is the sum of the rates a faculty member receives due to the sub-activity of each activity type. 30 points are determined for each academic activity type. Multiplying the 30 points determined by the sum of the sub-activity rates gives the academic activity type score.

ATÖSİS was developed to enable Academic Incentive Grant processes to be carried out electronically. According to the legislation, researchers are required to enter their academic activities into the YÖKSİS system. The activities that researchers will use in the application are transferred to the ATÖSİS system from the records they enter into the YÖKSİS system. Documents proving the activities are uploaded to the ATÖSİS system and submitted. All processes such as application, evaluation, revision of the application, creation of a commission decision, objection, etc. are carried out electronically.

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Click on the link for detailed information.

System Components

*Researcher Transactions Module
*Unit Evaluation Commission Module
*Rectorate Evaluation Commission Module
*System Management Module
*Administrator Transactions Module
*Reporting Transactions Module

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Academic incentive score is also very important for individuals who have achieved academic success. Because academic incentive amounts are received according to this calculated score. There are also distinctions such as those in the professorial cadre or the associate professor cadre. Academic incentive allowance is provided to professional branches such as lecturers, experts, and translators as a result of certain calculations.

Academic Incentive Calculation

Before giving an example of academic incentive calculation, some features need to be known. One of the issues that need to be known is the rates determined according to academic staff titles. Accordingly, those in the professor position are subject to 0, those in the associate professor position are subject to 90%, those in the assistant professor position are subject to 80%, those in the research assistant position are subject to 70%, those in the lecturer and instructor position are subject to 70%, and those in the expert translator education and training planner position are subject to 70%.

Academic incentive payment amount = Highest civil servant gross salary X Rate determined according to academic title (Academic Incentive score/100)

Academic Development Unit

Marmara University has established an academic development unit for a tenure or career promotion system that promotes interdisciplinary research within the scope of the Interdisciplinary Science Rankings (ISR).

The Academic Development Unit aims to support the education, training and research development of Marmara University, to develop strategies and carry out activities aimed at the academic development of university students, academic and administrative staff and to increase the international reputation of Marmara University.

In this context;

1. It carries out direct support activities; workshops, online resources, trainings and consultancy activities for students, academic and administrative staff in partnership with faculties, institutes and other units.

2. Within the scope of activities related to national and international university ranking organizations; it ensures the follow-up of ranking organizations, analyzes data, reports and shares the results with the relevant units. For this purpose, it carries out planning and implementation in strategic decision-making to increase Marmara University's place in the rankings to higher levels.

3. It organizes development programs for academic staff in order to increase the quality and quantity of teaching, learning and research activities.

4. It organizes research, national and international scientific meetings for academic development.

5. Conducts research related to academic development and quality improvement discipline.

6. Invites internationally recognized scientists to our university.

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The Academic Development Unit and Academic Development Information Portal were established in 2010 under the Marmara University Presidency. AGB was established to support the academic development of all our academics and researchers in the direction they planned, to provide opportunities and options, and to advance the academic competence of our university, especially in research and teaching.

The unit, which was restructured in the 2015-2016 academic year within the scope of activities that will increase Marmara University's international effectiveness and increase its academic quality, on the one hand provides institutional contact with international ranking organizations, on the other hand continues its education and projects within the institution in line with the objectives stated in its renewed regulation.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 11.03.2025 16:00:45