Library Accessibility
Accessibility in the library provides services not only for the students who come to the library, but also for all students to convert their course materials into Braille (Braille). It provides this service in the ACCESSIBILITY OFFICE located in its building.
- The total number of e-pub books published since 2013 is 6,346.
- The total number of e-pub books produced in 2015 is 2000.
- The total number of e-pub books produced in 2016 is 443.
- The number of audio books in Marmara University Library is 3,216.
Marmara University Web Pages Accessible
Marmara University website has been prepared to appeal to the widest user base, regardless of the user's device, software and physical restrictions. has design features that will enable disabled citizens to use it easily.
Marmara University Accessible Digital System
Accessible Music Education
In order to edit the notes with Braille, the Goodfeel music note program was installed with a voice screen reader (JAWS), and educational accessibility was provided by providing a Relief Screen that you see as a keyboard.
Student Support Service
In line with the demands of our students, in order to ensure equal opportunities in education, we provide the equipment they want, part-time student assistants, and exam and course arrangements when necessary.
Higher Education Institution Accessible Universities Competition Success
In the Higher Education Institution Accessible Universities Competition, our university was entitled to receive 6 Flag awards and 11 Accessible Program Medals. The number of awards we have received to date has reached 45.
- Faculty of Technology Spatial Accessibility Award
- Faculty of Engineering Spatial Accessibility Award
- Faculty of Engineering Accessibility in Education Award
- Faculty of Medicine Access Award in Socio-cultural Activities
- Faculty of Business Administration Spatial Accessibility Award
- Faculty of Pharmacy Accessibility in Education Award
- Atatürk Faculty of Education Social Studies Teaching Program (Applicant: Prof. Dr. Ali Yılmaz)
- History Teaching program (Applicant Dr. Lecturer Ayşegül İnginar Kemaloğlu)
- Classroom Teaching Program (Applicant: Prof. Dr. Zeliha Nurdan Baysal)
- Public Relations Program (Applicant: Dr. Lecturer Sümeyra Tüzün Tekkökoğlu)
- Cinema, Radio and Television Program (Applicant: Dr. Lecturer Aygün Şentelci),
- Faculty of Health Sciences Nutrition and Dietetics Program (Applicant: Dr. Lecturer Ayşe Hümeyra İslamoğlu)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences German Translation and Interpreting Program (Applicant: Research Assistant Meltem Kılıç)
- History program (Applicant: Research Assistant Ozan Kaarabulak)
- Faculty of Engineering Computer Engineering Program (Dr. Lecturer Betül Boz)
- Technical Sciences Vocational School Computer Programming (Applicant: Lecturer Sezen Bal)

Marmara University Disabled Student Unit Coordinator
The primary duty, as well as the objective, of the Unit for the Students with Disabilities is to support the students with special needs by providing equal opportunities in education. In order to achieve this, our university ensures the effective participation of the students by supplying educational tools and assistive technologies within the accessible education environment. Because isolation from the society of the disabled people is unacceptable for Marmara University; On the contrary, their active and effective participation is essential. The participation should be completely full participation because with only that sort of participation, people with disabilities can feel themselves equal and as a part of a whole. It is not enough for us to construct and implement our work within the borders of the university. Because apart from the students with disabilities attending our university, in our country there are 8.5 million people with disabilities, according to the research carried out in 2002. The number must be even higher now. If we take into account the people who share life with them such as parents, siblings, friends, relatives and teachers, this number might be much higher. Therefore, the fact of 'disability' affects almost half of Turkey's population. Knowing this reality, the Unit for The Students with Disabilities aims at nurturing awareness on the issue throughout all the campuses by sharing related knowledge and facts. In this way, while appealing attention to the problems, the unit also aims at working to come up with solutions to social problems. Because we know that it is the duty of universities to produce information and ideas which will ensure sensitivity among society with which they will encounter during employment after they graduate from our school, where they are provided with all kinds of support. For this reason, our objective is to study and work on diversity, equity and inclusion that will make the students get ready for the society by creating and carrying out projects on certain neglected issues under the academic vision to nurture the notion for a barrier-free life in all senses.
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This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 07.11.2024 10:24:33