Trade unions for justice
There are many trade unions in Marmara University. These unions play an important role in protecting and developing the rights of academic and administrative staff. The unions at Marmara University voice the demands of academic and administrative staff for justice and equality and carry out various activities and events on these issues. They also play important roles in ensuring justice and equality for academic and administrative staff, such as Protection and Development of Rights, Collective Bargaining, Education and Awareness Raising, Legal Support, Social Justice and Equality. Thus, they carry out important activities to ensure that staff work in fairer and more equal conditions. Click for detailed information.

Legal Consultancy
Marmara University Legal Consultancy was established in accordance with Article 51 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and Article 35 of the Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Organizations and Higher Education Institutions.
The unit organizes and resolves all kinds of legal relations and disputes in line with the interests of our University so that our university and affiliated units can carry out their services in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, in accordance with the general principles of law, universal values, human rights, equality and justice, defends the rights and interests of our University in judicial and administrative authorities in disputes and disagreements to which the legal entity is a party, and assists in the execution of its dispositions in accordance with the current legislation. Within the framework of the understanding of the State of Law specified in Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey; It aims to be a model within our University and among other Universities with its contemporary, high-quality, fast and reliable service approach based on the general principles of law, based on universal values and general principles of law, with the principle of the rule of law as its main target, and the administration acting within an administrative understanding in accordance with the law. Click for information.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 15.10.2024 16:09:28