Marmara University has been providing distance education services since 2011. With approximately 10,000 students registered in 4 associate degrees, 2 master's degrees, and 3 common main course programs, it is the leading position in Turkey in this regard and continues to grow every passing year. Our university has reached this leading position by closely following the hardware, software and human resources investments it has made and the studies carried out in the world in this regard. We are a big family that has removed the space limit with its employees, faculty members and students under the roof of Marmara University. By incorporating developments over time, today we have been provided with unlimited course opportunities, and we have reached the software and hardware power to conduct live lessons with 1000 people at the same time. With the academic LMS software, our faculty members provide our students with more functional and interactive sharing than what is offered in the classical classroom. Distance education; It is developing as a rising form of education all over the world, it contains new developments and features with each new day and is constantly being developed in line with the needs. In the background of the system, there is the service of an experienced and expert team that is devoted and devoted to education.
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Online Courses: Students can watch lecturers' lectures on online platforms (synchronous and/or asynchronous) and access the materials.
Video Conferences: Students and instructors can come together through live video conferences and have interactive lessons.
E-Books and Digital Materials: Students can support their learning processes by using digital materials such as e-books, educational videos and online resources provided to them.
Original Study: Students can research a specific topic on their own and use the learning materials offline.
Customized Learning: Distance education offers students the opportunity to learn at their own pace (and the number of repetitions they will need), so that each student can have a learning experience that suits their needs.
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Basic features of Learning Management System (LMS) software;
Ability to manage content and virtual classes with a single software
A structure integrated with our university's BYS data and courses
A management over the web in a structure suitable for the education calendar
A reporting structure that supports student course tracking, documentation and other student affairs and the ability to support distance education students through the LMS
A possibility for students and faculty members to contribute to and use live lessons with questions, audio and/or images as if they were in a classic classroom when participating over the internet
A more understandable education opportunity with features such as whiteboard, faculty member's screen sharing, downloadable content, surveys
Ability to watch past lessons over and over again as there is no attendance requirement
A structure suitable for continuous development
Compatibility with Turkish Higher Education Operation and Certificate Programs
Support for importing/exporting content from SCORM-based education systems
Support for content and question pool compatible with ACE base
Learning Management System (LMS) Platform Design Principles
Ability to use and work with BYS-compliant data
Turkish Higher Education Operation and Certificate Programs Compliance
Content Import / Export Support ( SCORM )
Content and Question Pool Support ( ACE )
Turkish language support
Multiple Student/Teacher/Administrator user option Management
Flexible and advanced reporting support
Manageable and FAQ Help Desk Support
Customization Support
Module Adding Support
Integrated Online Exam System Support
Integrated Virtual Classroom Applications Support ( VIRTUAL CLASS )
Access to All Content & Materials from a Single Point (LMS)
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Through the Marmara University Distance Education System, you can follow the course documents of the courses announced weekly, attend the live courses in the system, ask your questions or concerns about the system via e-mail, and access the dates related to the training from the announcements. You can take live courses with the course instructor via virtual classroom, and communicate via live chat or e-mail.
UZEM Student Presentation.pdf (2.24 MB)
Distance Education of Administrative Personnel
Within the scope of the “2023 In-Service Training Calendar”, our administrative personnel (including permanent/contracted personnel and workers subject to Law No. 657) continue to be provided with compulsory and elective distance training through the Distance Education Portal Platform implemented by the Presidency Human Resources Office (CBİKO). It has been decided that the trainings, which aim to increase the number of qualified employees in the public sector in 2023, will be provided in three periods. The third three-month training calendar was created with a holistic perspective by including cultural content as well as personal and professional awareness. With the increasing importance of information technologies, the protection of information and the importance of information security, “Information Security Awareness” and “Cyber Security” trainings have been prioritized as mandatory. “Public Ethics and Public Officials Ethical Conduct Principles Training”, one of the issues that has been emphasized in recent years in the context of acting in accordance with the public interest during the execution of public duties, has also been added to the compulsory trainings. “Interpersonal Communication,” “Privacy in Children: Issues to be Considered Especially During Disasters,” “Effective Communication and Teamwork Training,” “Mysterious History of Göbeklitepe,” “Healthy Life,” and “How Can I Become a Voluntary Blood Donor?” were also offered to all administrative staff as electives. Making development continuous and sustainable is essential for our individual and social development. In the transformation process that the entire world has entered, in order to foresee the future and live by considering future generations, regular, harmonious, and continuous progress without breaking away from our national values is required. In this context, in order to support our staff’s participation in in-house trainings independently of time and space, our awareness-raising training plans for our administrative staff will continue through the Distance Education Gateway platform.
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Click for information.
Providing Candidate Officer Trainings via Distance Education Method
Based on the provisions of the General Regulation on the Training of Candidate Officers, the basic and preparatory trainings that should be given to our candidate officers were provided via the Presidential Distance Education Gateway Platform. By providing the trainings via distance education method, it was aimed to complete the trainings in the most efficient way without causing any waste of time and resources.
Click for information.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 02.09.2024 11:02:12