Water Management
It is important to use various design strategies and products that contribute to a “GREEN” campus building. To this end; It was aimed to ensure energy and water efficiency and high efficiency devices were preferred. The use of rainwater in the landscape irrigation system ensures water efficiency. It was aimed to protect the vegetation, existing water resources and streams within the campus borders, and for this purpose, cleaning and reclamation works of Çobanlar Creek within the land were carried out. In addition, importance has been given to systems such as drip irrigation, micro irrigation, sprinkling and surface irrigation, with minimal energy consumption in plant irrigation within the campus.
In this context,
- It is aimed to save nearly 70% in water consumption.
- It is aimed to get more efficiency from resources by reducing the consumption of natural water resources.
- Efforts were made to save the maximum amount of energy and time and to protect water resources.
- Saving time is aimed by providing efficient irrigation in a shorter time compared to classical methods.
- It is aimed to meet the water needs of animals by utilizing irrigation and water storage systems.

Groundwater is used for agricultural irrigation within the campus. The water extracted from underground is stored and used for both agricultural irrigation and fire extinguishing in emergency situations. Water transfer works with electrical control systems.

Rainwater Storage Systems
After rainfall, rainwater is directed from the building roofs to the rainwater filter through pipes and the filtered water is collected in underground water tanks. The water in the tanks is used for various purposes within the campus.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 04.09.2024 21:39:28