Access to Libraries
Our library serves academicians, students and researchers by contributing professionally to all scientific studies.Variety of uses is provided with "Individual, Group and Academic Study Rooms", which users can use by making a reservation online. Users can benefit from all the possibilities of technology in the library. It also provides service with catalog scanning kiosks, smart devices that allow self-borrowing and borrowing, a book scanning device and a book washing machine to disinfect books. Our library has 2 halls 24/7 and is open all the time, including weekends and public holidays. YORDAM automation system is used in the library and the resources are offered to the users according to the LC classification system and with open shelving application. 8 libraries affiliated with the Department provide services on other campuses of our university. In addition to the technical services provided by our expert librarians in all our libraries, our users are provided with loan-return / ILL service, consultation service, reference service, accessibility service and user training.
Library Directives
- Marmara University Libraries Regulation
- Marmara University Academic Open Access and Institutional Archive Policy
- Marmara University Libraries Information Literacy and Library User Education Principles
- Marmara University Libraries Social Media Usage Principles
For more information, you can visit the Library and Documentation Department website.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 27.08.2024 11:38:47