Students came together with companies and expert speakers in energy sub-fields such as natural gas, energy distribution, hydrogen storage, etc. At this summit, participants had the opportunity to observe the energy sector from different perspectives.
Green Chemistry is a new principle based on a dozen principles, including solutions that will eliminate existing pollution problems. Our aim is to prepare Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students for the developing and growing Chemistry sector while protecting our nature. In this context, it is aimed to convey Green Chemistry and its principles to the participants one-on-one by experts in the field.
The main purpose of the event is to bring together engineers interested in the field of energy and air conditioning with important names in this sector and to provide them with the opportunity to learn what they are curious about.
The International Conference on Climate Change, Energy Transition and Sustainability (2023)
International Conference on Climate Change, Energy Transition and Sustainability (2023)
Marmara Energy Summit (2023)
4th International Academic Researches for Sustainability (2023)
The congress theme consists of climate change, energy resources, water management, waste reduction and other environmental issues.
European Green Deal: Sustainability and Turkey's Situation Conference (2023)
The conference took place in areas such as the use of renewable energy sources, measures regarding human, animal and plant health, protection of biodiversity, decarbonization and digitalization.
Marmara University Energy Management Unit Directive
Please click here: Marmara University Energy Management Unit Directive
Marmara University 2023 Sustainability Report
Click to see the Green Energy Certificate.
For detailed information: Renewable Energy

Climate Change Seminar
The aim of our event is to draw attention to climate change, one of the biggest problems in today's world. We aim to raise awareness about climate change and share ways to combat climate change. The target audience of our event is everyone who wants to learn about climate change, especially Marmara University students.
Nature Walk
Nature walks are walks that are carried out in different geographies of nature, with different levels of difficulty and for different durations. As the name suggests, nature walks are carried out in nature or in areas with natural beauty. The places where these walks can be carried out vary depending on the type of walk. The target audience of the event is Marmara University students.
Sustainability Days
Bee Day and Biodiversity
The global climate crisis, one of the biggest problems of today's world, was brought to attention by combining May 20 Bee Day and May 22 Biodiversity Day and hosting various academics who are experts in these subjects. The extinction of bees due to the climate crisis can cause a chain reaction of imbalance in the ecosystem and many other problems. For this reason, this event was held so that everyone can fulfill their responsibilities and gain awareness for the protection of bees and biodiversity.
I Love the Earth, I Recycle
The purpose of this event is to convey to our participants in detail what recycling is. We aimed to encourage our participants to live a sustainable life by conveying how recycling can be incorporated into daily life. In our event, we examined recycling and sustainability from an artistic perspective as well as from a basic perspective. The target audience of our event is primarily Marmara University students and people interested in recycling and sustainability.
Green Chemistry Conference
Green Chemistry is a new principle based on a dozen principles, including solutions that will eliminate current pollution problems. Our aim is to prepare Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students for the developing and growing Chemistry sector while protecting our nature. In this context, it is aimed to convey Green Chemistry and its principles to the participants one-on-one by experts in the field.
Change Yourself, Not the Climate!
The aim of our event is to create climate awareness among our participants. In our event, we aim to touch upon what the climate crisis is, what we can do against the climate crisis, and examining the climate crisis in terms of human and children's rights. The target audience of our event is primarily the members of the Marmara University Natural Life Protection Club, as well as Marmara University students.
Planting Saplings on National Afforestation Day
Marmara University Geography Club is organizing a sapling planting event with its students to leave a gift to the future on the National Afforestation Day, the 100th anniversary of our Republic. The aim is for the saplings planted to grow enough to breathe into these lands in the future and for future generations to follow in the footsteps of us young people and plant more saplings to enlarge our green areas.
Nature Walk and Photography Event
Sapling Planting Event

We Make Recycled Paper From Waste Paper
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 06.11.2024 10:38:51