Education for politicians and law makers at Marmara University
Marmara University has taken very important steps in the fields of economy, law, technology, migration and climate change. In fact, it has carried out different programs, educational curricula, projects, seminars, events and workshops in these areas. It has implemented all these activities with the different units it has established. Together with these units, it has carried out events and studies for policy makers and legislators. More importantly, it has ensured the implementation of the best practices that blend different thoughts and ideas together by conducting international collaborations and comparative research and has contributed to their international sharing. All these studies have an important place for policy makers for SDGs and provide support to policy makers.
Marmara University International Sustainability Application and Research Center (ICS)
The International Sustainability Application and Research Center (ICS) was established within Marmara University and provides sustainable education, training, and capacity building services to policymakers and legislators. The mission of this center is to carry out academic, technical and educational activities by building an innovation-based academic eco-system where political, economic, social, cultural and ecological problems encountered in the context of sustainability are identified and solution proposals are put forward, and knowledge production and management can be done. To be one of the most important and effective research centers of our region and its hinterland, which carries out innovation-based academic and technical activities in the field of sustainability, and in this context; to develop models or projects that will produce solutions to social, cultural, political, economic and ecological problems with an interdisciplinary approach, and to be a regional academic forum that provides synergy to academics, researchers, non-governmental organizations, central and local governments and international institutions and organizations working on sustainability.
As ICS, as a stakeholder of “sustainability seekers” in solving the problems experienced in the context of ensuring sustainability; our most important notion is to produce information by conducting the necessary research and to share the information we obtain with our stakeholders.
Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Research and Application Center (STKAM)
Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Research and Application Center (STKAM) carries out many activities for policy makers and legislators. These activities are offered in many forms such as seminars, workshops, events, panels. In addition to these, it provides comprehensive training, innovative learning and capacity building services for policy makers and legislators, thus contributing to SDGs. The fact that the problems faced by the world have become global and that the solutions to these problems must be global has increased the interest in the concept of civil society and civil society organizations. In particular, civil society organizations, which are put forward as a solution mechanism for global problems such as climate change, food and water crisis, hunger, poverty, gender inequalities, energy supply security, income and education opportunity inequality, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, wars and human rights violations, have become one of the most important global actors. Thus, civil society organizations have consolidated their place as indispensable elements of both achieving sustainable development goals and environmental, social, economic and governance sustainability. All this reality necessitates social transformation, and at this point, the perspective on the field of civil society, which is the key element of transformation, needs to be addressed at regional, national and global levels. It is important to approach civil society organizations, whose place is indisputable in public administration, policy development and academic studies, from a professional perspective and to identify the needs related to the field. Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Application and Research Center (STKAM) is an institution that is aware of this reality and whose main purpose is to produce information on civil society and civil society organizations in our country and to train qualified human resources that the public, private and civil society sectors will need.
Marmara University Center for Women's Studies in Economic and Social Sectors
Marmara University has established the ESKAR unit. This unit provides sustainable education, innovative learning, and capacity improvements to policy makers and legislators within the scope of different activities. Under the roof of ESKAR, our aim is to provide cooperation between academics in different scientific fields at our University and/or other institutions and organizations outside the University and civil society organizations to enable the production of scientific knowledge that will enable the development of policies and practices aimed at ensuring gender equality in our country and increasing the economic status of women, to convey the produced knowledge to various segments of society, especially politicians, to work towards increasing women's employment in the economy, ensuring that women take on managerial positions in working life and are included in decision-making mechanisms, to ensure that more resources are allocated from public resources to activities aimed at overcoming women's problems, to inform women about their rights and opportunities in every field and the ways to access them, and to carry out various activities aimed at raising awareness about demanding equal rights with men. To carry out and support educational activities in order to create a gender equality mindset in our country, to carry out activities aimed at developing women's leadership, entrepreneurship and management skills, to inform women about their rights and support them in reaching them, to be one of the leading centers not only in the national but also in the international arena in terms of raising the economic and social status of women by carrying out activities that raise awareness and guide them on women's health. To increase the reputation of our University at national and international levels with the studies to be carried out on women.
Marmara University Lifelong Learning Center (MUSEM)
MÜSEM is a unit established at Marmara University and provides support to policy makers and legislators with different activities. In our education programs, where the quality and standards of our university are constantly observed, it is aimed for the participants to gain the necessary knowledge and skills by combining theoretical education with practical education and contribute to the career development of the participants. In this context, in addition to personal education, our center organizes national and international education programs, courses, seminars and conferences for public and private sector organizations and individuals and institutions abroad in the areas they need; it ensures the coordination of these activities and promotes the opportunities of our university in this field.
The Office for International Relations and Academic Cooperation
The Office for International Relations and Academic Cooperation (IO) provides administrative service, professional support and advising services to international students, scholars and guests at Marmara University regarding the life, education, sport, culture and many other activities in İstanbul. The IO is committed to providing quality advising services, consulting, and organization supports to the foreign guests in their project meeting, group meeting and so on. Our goal is to help the international students, scholars, and other faculty members and staff, navigate many complexities associated with student within the Marmara community. We are committed to providing the students and guests with accurate information and the highest quality of service, taking into account institutional policies and ever-changing federal regulations. Click for detailed information.
Justice for Foreign Students
Marmara University provides education in 5 different languages: Turkish, English, German, French and Arabic. In this context, it is taking important steps in accepting foreign students. In this direction, it aims to establish peace and justice in societies and to create inclusive and accountable institutions. By accepting students from different countries, it aims to increase cultural diversity in the university and create a global education environment. It organizes scholarship programs, academic support services and social integration activities for these students. Marmara University aims to contribute to the establishment of peace and justice by providing a fair, equal and inclusive education environment for foreign students for SDG 16. Click for information.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 03.11.2024 14:04:43