Marmara University is committed to providing special administrative support to interdisciplinary research teams within the relevant disciplines within the scope of Interdisciplinary Science Rankings (ISR).
Marmara University has established a Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit within this scope. In accordance with Article 5 of the Regulation on Scientific Research Projects of Higher Education Institutions published in the Official Gazette dated April 10, 2002 and numbered 24722, the directive prepared in accordance with the decision taken by the Marmara University Senate at its meeting dated August 06, 2019 and numbered 385-3; has been revised and accepted by the Marmara University Senate and includes 11 different project types.
Detailed explanations for specific administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams within applicable disciplines are included in our Regulation. The Directive of the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit can be accessed via this link.
Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit
This unit provides various administrative supports to researchers.
Some of these are:
* Application Process Support: Provides support for the proposals of the projects to be carried out by researchers, assistance in their preparation, follow-up of application forms and elimination of deficiencies, and provides consultancy services in preparing the documents required for the project to be carried out.
* Budget and Financial Support: Provides support in determining budget distributions, planning, creating expenditure items, and budget reporting for projects to be carried out by researchers.
* Contract Management Support: Provides support in planning, preparing, revising, and implementing project contracts.
* Reporting and Evaluation Support: Provides support in analyzing periodic actions taken during project evaluation processes, preparing progress reports, and presenting the final report.
* Logistics and Organization Support: Provides support in evaluating research topics included in the project, providing the logistic support needed for carrying out activities, and making arrangements necessary for the implementation of activities.
* Training and Seminar Support: Provides training and seminar support on project management, data analysis, project writing support, and other related topics for researchers involved in the project or individuals who want to conduct projects.
The main purpose of these supports is to increase the efficiency of each researcher in project processes and to implement more effective and high-quality managerial approaches.
The project types supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit are listed below. The BAP Committee may make changes to the scope of these projects, remove those deemed necessary from the application, and create new project types.
General Research Projects (GAP): These are projects that involve personal or interdisciplinary scientific research and development activities of Marmara University faculty members and researchers who have completed their doctorate, medical specialization, artistic proficiency or equivalent specialization education.
Multidisciplinary Research Projects (MDR): These are research projects prepared by more than one faculty member from at least two departments from different disciplines or two different departments in the field of medicine and health from Marmara University.
Priority Area Research Projects (ÖNAP): Interdisciplinary projects that can be supported with a higher budget than other support programs in priority areas determined by the Senate, taking into account the priority areas determined by the Science and Technology Supreme Council. Projects within this scope must have at least three centers and be multidisciplinary. Departments/branches in health sciences and departments in other fields will be evaluated as separate centers, but collaborations between departments and faculties will be preferred. Multidisciplinary projects that are not in the declared priority areas but are important for our university and have the potential to create high value-added output can also be supported within this scope.
Postgraduate Thesis Projects (THESES): These are research projects carried out with students under the supervision of the thesis advisor, covering postgraduate theses.
Guided Projects (GDM): These are projects that the BAP Committee will have prepared by scientists who are experts in the field, or projects that will be supported by invitation by determining the subject and conditions, in order to conduct research on issues that are important for our university and/or our country.
Research Infrastructure Projects (AYP): These are projects prepared in accordance with scientific research criteria for the purpose of developing the scientific research infrastructure of the university and increasing the research potential. The BAP Committee may foresee special conditions and processes regarding the application, evaluation, execution and finalization of such projects.
Participatory Research Projects (KAP): These are research projects that our university researchers will prepare with the participation of national or international institutions and organizations. In such projects, the collaborating institution is expected to contribute to the project budget at a certain rate, provide human resource support and/or provide in-kind or cash contributions such as using research infrastructures that are not available at our university within the scope of the project.
International Research Collaboration Projects (IRC) : These are research projects that our university researchers will carry out in collaboration with researchers at leading universities in the world in internationally recognized ranking systems or at important research centers recognized internationally in their fields.
Career Start Support Projects (CSP): To support the research of academic staff members of our university who have completed their doctorate, medical specialization, artistic competency or equivalent specialization education, who are working in academic positions other than Associate Professor and Professor, and who have not previously worked as a director in any research project carried out with funding support.
Rapid Support Project (RPP): These are projects aimed at supporting short-term and small-budget research that has the potential to turn into a general research project. The project duration is limited to a maximum of 12 months.
Undergraduate Student Participation Research Projects (LKP): These are research projects designed to create R&D cultures, encourage research activities and conduct research for successful students enrolled in formal education programs of our university's units that provide undergraduate education for 4 years or more. Only undergraduate students who meet the conditions determined and announced by the BAP Committee can take part as researchers in these projects, the execution of which is undertaken by faculty members.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 06.03.2025 16:02:06