Direct services to local industry to improve energy efficiency and clean energy
Marmara University is committed to providing support to local industry in energy efficiency and clean energy issues by providing direct services such as energy efficiency assessments, workshops and research on renewable energy options.
Marmara University, in particular, civil society organizations, which are put forward as a solution mechanism for global problems such as climate change, food and water crisis, hunger, poverty, gender inequalities, energy supply security, income and education opportunity inequality, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, wars and human rights violations, have become one of the most important global actors. Thus, civil society organizations have consolidated their place as indispensable elements of both achieving sustainable development goals and environmental, social, economic and governance sustainability. All this reality necessitates social transformation, and at this point, the perspective on the civil society field, which is the key element of transformation, needs to be addressed at regional, national and global levels. It is important to approach civil society organizations, which have an indisputable place in public administration, policy development and academic studies, from a professional perspective and to identify the needs related to the field.. In this context, many events are open to the public as follows:
Wind Energy and Virtual Experience Center
The opening of the “Wind Energy and Virtual Experience Center” organized by Marmara University and Nordex Energy took place at the Technology Faculty of Marmara University Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Complex. The world is turning to sustainable energy sources with rapidly changing and developing technologies. Wind energy plays a critical role in this transformation and stands out as an environmentally friendly, renewable energy source. The steps taken by Marmara University in this field are an indication of a great vision and responsibility for the future. The opening of this center once again demonstrates your university’s determination and high awareness in the field of innovation and renewable energy. Marmara University assumes a pioneering role not only in the field of education and research, but also in the field of sustainability.
Marmara University Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Complex is located in the Başıbüyük district of Maltepe District of Istanbul, in an area of 245 hectares. It is aimed to produce energy with approximately 1.763 kWp photovoltaic solar panels placed on building roofs. The campus will produce most of its own energy with solar energy, which is renewable energy. It is targeted to protect the existing ecosystem by adopting a sensitive, environmentally friendly approach to protecting natural resources. It was aimed to protect the vegetation, existing water resources and streams within the boundaries of the complex. For this purpose, the cleaning and reclamation works of Çobanlar Creek within the land were carried out. Zero waste planning aims at waste management, taking pollution and waste reduction measures and recycling. It is planned to minimize carbon emission and use energy, water and other resources efficiently.
For detailed information click here.

Marmara University has organized activities in the field of Climate Change, Sustainability and Green Transformation.
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Marmara University addressed the provisions that will provide progress in areas such as the use of renewable energy sources, measures regarding human, animal and plant health, protection of biodiversity, decarbonization and digitalization, and evaluated how these will be integrated into the local industry.
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Marmara University, Some of the projects are as follows:
- Organik/İnorganik Hibrid Nanokompozit Elektrotların Hazırlanması Ve Enerji Dönüşüm Sistemlerinde Kullanılması
- Elektrokimyasal Enerji Depolama Sistemlerinde Oksijen İndirgenme Reaksiyonu İçin Yüksek Katalitik Aktivite Gösterebilecek Dinükleer Metal Ftalosiyanin Temelli Modifiye Elektrot Geliştirilmesi
- Enerji Iletim Hatlari Için Kontrol Robotu Prototipi Geliştirilmesi
- Doğu Akdeniz Enerji Kaynaklarını Paylaşım Mücadelesinin Yerel Bölgesel Ve Küresel Anatomisi Türkiye Ekseninden Global Bir Bakış
- Yenilikçi, Enerji-Pozitif Atıksu Arıtma Prosesinin Makro Ve Mikro Organik Kirletici Giderim Performansı
- Metalhava Pilleri İçin Yeni Enerji Malzemelerinin Geliştirilmesi
- Organik/İnorganik Hibrid Nanokompozit Elektrotların Hazırlanması Ve Enerji Dönüşüm Sistemlerinde Kullanılması
- Yüksek Gerilim Enerji Iletim Hatlari Için Kontrol Robotu
The aim of our event is to draw attention to climate change, one of the biggest problems in today's world. We aim to raise awareness about climate change and share ways to combat climate change. The target audience of our event is everyone who wants to learn about climate change, especially Marmara University students.
Students came together with companies and expert speakers in energy sub-fields such as natural gas, energy distribution, hydrogen storage, etc. At this summit, participants had the opportunity to observe the energy sector from different perspectives.
Green Chemistry is a new principle based on a dozen principles, including solutions that will eliminate existing pollution problems. Our aim is to prepare Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students for the developing and growing Chemistry sector while protecting our nature. In this context, it is aimed to convey Green Chemistry and its principles to the participants one-on-one by experts in the field.
The main purpose of the event is to bring together engineers interested in the field of energy and air conditioning with important names in this sector and to provide them with the opportunity to learn what they are curious about.
Marmara University 2023 Sustainability Report
Verified Carbon Standard Certificate
Marmara University, which requested the energy distribution company SEPAŞ to send energy from renewable power plants, received the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certificate, which ensures carbon emission reduction in accordance with world standards. Thanks to this sensitive attitude towards the environment, Marmara University has helped reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent.
Marmara University Energy Management Unit Directive
Please click here: Marmara University Energy Management Unit Directive
Click to see the Green Energy Certificate.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 06.11.2024 10:39:35