Institutional Accreditation

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Marmara University Accredited by Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK)

The Institutional Accreditation Program (KAP) is an external evaluation method that allows the evaluation of quality assurance, education-training, research-development, social contribution and management system processes in higher education institutions within the scope of the "planning, implementation, control and precaution" cycle. This important success of Marmara University reveals not only its academic excellence but also its commitment to sustainable development goals.
The objectives of the accreditation system are:

1) To facilitate and accelerate the process of mutual recognition of higher education institutions,
2) To help compare diplomas and titles.

This important document shows that Marmara University has successfully achieved quality standards in higher education and has taken an important step towards achieving its academic excellence goals. This success is also directly related to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Click for detailed information.

Click for the accreditation report.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 02.09.2024 10:40:06