Student Union
Marmara University fully supports student rights. In this context, a student council has been established. It aims to evaluate opinions, requests and suggestions in every field that concerns students, especially education, with an impartial approach, to convey them to the administrative bodies and to follow up on solutions, to permanently increase the quality of education and life in our university with projects and studies that increase the participation of youth, and to make students the effective factor in realizing the vision of our university to be a developing and successful academic and social institution. Student representatives are determined through elections. Student representatives come together and form the faculty student representative boards and the M.U. Student Council General Assembly structure. The purpose of the faculty units is to examine the problems in M.U., to conduct research and evaluation for solutions in education, research and student services, and to present the obtained results to the Student Council Executive Board. The Executive Board, as the executive board, carries out all executive duties during the election period. Click for information.
Justice for Foreign Students
Marmara University provides education in 5 different languages: Turkish, English, German, French and Arabic. In this context, it is taking important steps in accepting foreign students. In this direction, it aims to establish peace and justice in societies and to create inclusive and accountable institutions. By accepting students from different countries, it aims to increase cultural diversity in the university and create a global education environment. It organizes scholarship programs, academic support services and social integration activities for these students. Marmara University aims to contribute to the establishment of peace and justice by providing a fair, equal and inclusive education environment for foreign students for SDG 16. Click for information.

The Office for International Relations and Academic Cooperation
The Office for International Relations and Academic Cooperation (IO) provides administrative service, professional support and advising services to international students, scholars and guests at Marmara University regarding the life, education, sport, culture and many other activities in İstanbul. The IO is committed to providing quality advising services, consulting, and organization supports to the foreign guests in their project meeting, group meeting and so on. Our goal is to help the international students, scholars, and other faculty members and staff, navigate many complexities associated with student within the Marmara community. We are committed to providing the students and guests with accurate information and the highest quality of service, taking into account institutional policies and ever-changing federal regulations. Click for detailed information.
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 10.10.2024 15:07:42