NGO collaborations in climate change adaptation
Marmara University attaches great importance to cooperation with NGOs in terms of adaptation to climate change.
Marmara University supports working in partnership with NGOs in the fight against climate change. In this way, Marmara University's academic and social impact in this field is also increasing. These collaborations with Marmara University aim to help the university fulfill its social responsibility, create a green world, establish a livable future and strengthen its activities in the field of sustainability. In this context, Marmara University has opened a unit called the Civil Society Organizations Research and Application Center (STKAM) and the projects and activities carried out through this unit contribute to the awareness and adaptation of local communities to climate change.
The fact that the problems faced by the world have become global and that the solutions to these problems must be global has increased the interest in the concept of civil society and civil society organizations. In particular, civil society organizations, which are put forward as a solution mechanism for global problems such as climate change, food and water crisis, hunger, poverty, gender inequalities, energy supply security, income and education opportunity inequality, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution, wars and human rights violations, have become one of the most important global actors. Thus, civil society organizations have consolidated their place as indispensable elements of both achieving sustainable development goals and environmental, social, economic and governance sustainability. All this reality necessitates social transformation, and at this point, the perspective on the field of civil society, which is the key element of transformation, needs to be addressed at regional, national and global levels. It is important to approach civil society organizations, whose place is indisputable in public administration, policy development and academic studies, from a professional perspective and to identify the needs related to the field. Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Application and Research Center (STKAM) is an institution that is aware of this reality and whose main purpose is to produce information on civil society and civil society organizations in our country and to train qualified human resources that the public, private and civil society sectors will need.
You can access the 2023 activity report of Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Application and Research Center's collaborations with NGOs by clicking the Link:
NGOs’ Contribution to the Environment: Marmara University’s National Afforestation Day Event
Many clubs at Marmara University give importance to combating climate change. One of these clubs, the Law Studies Club, has taken part in planting saplings on November 11th National Arbor Day, setting an important example of social responsibility for NGOs. This activity aimed to increase the environmental awareness of society and take an important step towards creating a sustainable future. Many NGOs aim to raise public awareness and create awareness on combating climate change and environmental issues through such events organized with student clubs. Marmara University Law Studies Club supports environmentally sensitive projects by cooperating with NGOs and develops students' social responsibility awareness. Such events strengthen the positive impact of NGOs on society.
Marmara University Participation in Kadıköy Municipality Environmental Festival
Marmara University Civil Society Organizations Research and Application Center (STKAM) took part in the Kadıköy Municipality Environmental Festival in 2023. This event was organized to draw attention to climate change and environmental problems. STKAM shared information to increase environmental awareness with participants through various panels, seminars and workshops. The festival held important discussions and trainings on sustainability and environmentally friendly living within the scope of this great event organized by Kadıköy Municipality.
Social and Scientific Cooperation Protocol between Marmara University and Istanbul Anatolian High School
Marmara University STKAM has taken important steps with NGOs within the scope of the Social and Scientific Cooperation Protocol signed with Istanbul Anatolian High School. This protocol aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of students and teachers on climate change, sustainability and environmental issues. Practical and theoretical information is provided to students through jointly organized educational programs, seminars and workshops. In addition, students are given the opportunity to conduct scientific research and develop projects by collaborating with NGOs on environmental projects. This cooperation both reinforces the social responsibility of Marmara University and provides valuable experiences to Istanbul Anatolian High School students.
118-Y Anatolian Side Lions Associations Federation and NGO Collaboration
The Civil Society Organizations Application and Research Center, Kadıköy City Council Climate Working Group and 118-Y Anatolian Side Lions Associations Federation organized the "Nature Repair and Green Area Strategy Panel" in Design Workshop Kadıköy. In this event, NGOs emphasized the importance of nature repair and green area strategies in combating climate change. Important information and strategies were shared in the panel on sustainable environmental management and raising public awareness. Participants discussed what can be done to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future through the cooperation of NGOs and local governments.
Climate Change and Sustainable Finance Summit in the Centennial of the Republic
Our University's Civil Society Organizations Application and Research Center (STKAM) held an important event on October 25, 2023 at the Dr. İbrahim Üzümcü Conference Hall on the Göztepe Campus. "Climate Change and Sustainable Finance Summit in the Centennial of the Republic" was organized with the financial contributions of Smart Güneş Teknolojileri A.Ş., Hydrogenix Hydrogen and Energy Storage Technologies Inc. and the media sponsorship of Turkuvaz Group. The role of NGOs in climate change and sustainable finance issues was emphasized at the event and participants were informed about the contributions of NGOs in this process. The summit aimed to strengthen cooperation with NGOs and produce sustainable solutions.
International Conference on Climate Change, Energy Transformation and Sustainability
Marmara University has collaborated with many NGOs within the scope of the "International Conference on Climate Change, Energy Transformation and Sustainability" held in 2023. These NGOs include the Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation (TEMA), the Kadıköy City Council Climate Working Group and the 118-Y Anatolian Side Lions Associations Federation
NGO Collaboration on the European Green Deal and Sustainable Trade
Marmara University organized online training seminars on the European Green Deal: Sustainability and Turkey's Situation in cooperation with Istanbul Medipol University SURKAM and Volunteering Activities Coordination. In these seminars, climate change, sustainable energy sources and Turkey's role in this area were discussed. Participants learned about sustainability issues and became aware of the steps to be taken in the fight against climate change. This cooperation was an important example of solidarity between universities and NGOs.
Bolu-Nallıhan-Kefken Field Study
The Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Marmara University, conducted a field study in Bolu, Nallıhan and Kefken regions in 2023, and collaborated with NGOs to investigate environmental problems and solution proposals. These studies aimed to develop sustainable solutions in collaboration with local NGOs and communities and to increase environmental awareness. These projects, carried out in partnership with NGOs, have taken important steps to protect nature and increase environmental awareness.
2023 Northeastern Anatolia Fieldwork
The Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Marmara University, conducted a fieldwork in Northeastern Anatolia in 2023 and investigated environmental problems and proposed solutions. These studies aimed to develop sustainable solutions and increase environmental awareness by collaborating with local NGOs. These projects, carried out together with NGOs, have taken important steps to protect natural resources in the region and increase environmental awareness.
Marmara University 2023 Sustainability Report
Climate Change Seminar
The aim of our event is to draw attention to climate change, one of the biggest problems in today's world. We aim to raise awareness about climate change and share ways to combat climate change. The target audience of our event is everyone who wants to learn about climate change, especially Marmara University students.
Nature Walk
Nature walks are walks that are carried out in different geographies of nature, with different levels of difficulty and for different durations. As the name suggests, nature walks are carried out in nature or in areas with natural beauty. The places where these walks can be carried out vary depending on the type of walk. The target audience of the event is Marmara University students.
Sustainability Days
Bee Day and Biodiversity
The global climate crisis, one of the biggest problems of today's world, was brought to attention by combining May 20 Bee Day and May 22 Biodiversity Day and hosting various academics who are experts in these subjects. The extinction of bees due to the climate crisis can cause a chain reaction of imbalance in the ecosystem and many other problems. For this reason, this event was held so that everyone can fulfill their responsibilities and gain awareness for the protection of bees and biodiversity.
I Love the Earth, I Recycle
The purpose of this event is to convey to our participants in detail what recycling is. We aimed to encourage our participants to live a sustainable life by conveying how recycling can be incorporated into daily life. In our event, we examined recycling and sustainability from an artistic perspective as well as from a basic perspective. The target audience of our event is primarily Marmara University students and people interested in recycling and sustainability.
Green Chemistry Conference
Green Chemistry is a new principle based on a dozen principles, including solutions that will eliminate current pollution problems. Our aim is to prepare Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students for the developing and growing Chemistry sector while protecting our nature. In this context, it is aimed to convey Green Chemistry and its principles to the participants one-on-one by experts in the field.
Change Yourself, Not the Climate!
The aim of our event is to create climate awareness among our participants. In our event, we aim to touch upon what the climate crisis is, what we can do against the climate crisis, and examining the climate crisis in terms of human and children's rights. The target audience of our event is primarily the members of the Marmara University Natural Life Protection Club, as well as Marmara University students.
Planting Saplings on National Afforestation Day
Marmara University Geography Club is organizing a sapling planting event with its students to leave a gift to the future on the National Afforestation Day, the 100th anniversary of our Republic. The aim is for the saplings planted to grow enough to breathe into these lands in the future and for future generations to follow in the footsteps of us young people and plant more saplings to enlarge our green areas.
Nature Walk and Photography Event
Sapling Planting Event

We Make Recycled Paper From Waste Paper
This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 06.11.2024 10:43:30