Academic and Expert Advice to the State

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Marmara University, a research university, provides services as consultants, experts and guides in many fields and disciplines. In addition, it provides expert services in solving many problems. These services are carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations.


Expert Services:

The Expert Basic Training Program organized by Marmara University Continuing Education Center (MÜSEM) provides the necessary training for expert witness activities. This program includes the basic, theoretical and practical information required for participants to carry out expert witness activities.

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Legal Consultancy:

The University's Faculty of Law contributes to the more effective and accurate execution of legal processes by providing consultancy services on various legal issues.

Environmental and Sustainability Consultancy:

Environmental Engineering and related departments provide expertise and consultancy services on environmental management, sustainability and environmental impact assessment.

Economic and Social Research:

The Faculties of Economics and Social Sciences provide consultancy services to the state on economic analysis, social research and policy development.

These services demonstrate Marmara University's determination to transfer its knowledge and expertise to the society and the state.

Marmara University Continuing Education Center offers legal training. These trainings are:

Mediation Training
Expert Witness Basic Training
Law of Obligations Training
Intellectual Property Law Training
Expert Mediation Training in Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Law
Expert Mediation Training in Labor Law
Composition Commissioner Training
Composition Commissioner Renewal Training
Expert Mediation Training in Insurance Law
Contract Law Training
Commercial Law Expert Mediation Training

Click for information.

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 02.09.2024 10:33:58