Since 2000, there has been enormous progress in achieving the target of universal primary education. The total enrolment rate in developing regions reached 91 percent in 2015, and the worldwide number of children out of school has dropped by almost half. There has also been a dramatic increase in literacy rates, and many more girls are in school than ever before. These are all remarkable successes.

Progress has also been tough in some developing regions due to high levels of poverty, armed conflicts and other emergencies. In Western Asia and North Africa, ongoing armed conflict has seen an increase in the number of children out of school. This is a worrying trend. While Sub-Saharan Africa made the greatest progress in primary school enrolment among all developing regions – from 52 percent in 1990, up to 78 percent in 2012 – large disparities still remain. Children from the poorest households are up to four times more likely to be out of school than those of the richest households. Disparities between rural and urban areas also remain high.

Achieving inclusive and quality education for all reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development. This goal ensures that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030. It also aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher education.

Our Efforts

4.3. Ensuring that by 2030, all men and women have equal access to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university education.

  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Marmara University's Faculty of Technology offers students vocational training opportunities in over 20 modern workshops and laboratories. Mechanical engineering teaches both deductive and inductive approaches, fostering students' intellectual development from various perspectives. The goal is to enhance the quality of student work, publications, and projects by addressing physical space constraints and expanding opportunities with new campus facilities.
  • As part of the Campus-Sector Collaboration Protocol signed between Marmara University, the Higher Education Council (YÖK), and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of National Technology, courses were offered in the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year in the Departments of Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, and Electrical-Electronics Engineering at the Faculty of Technology:
  • Under SDG 4, the goal is to significantly increase the number of youth and adults with the relevant skills for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship by 2030. Our educational activities, ongoing since 1987, can be followed at:
  • An exemplary activity of MÜSEM (Marmara University Continuing Education Center) is its publicly shared educational programs. These include a variety of professional development programs designed to enhance skills and competencies across different fields. Details of the available programs can be accessed via the following link: https://musem.marmara.edu.tr/programlar/mesleki-gelisim-egitim-programlari.
  • The events organized by Marmara University's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences contribute significantly to SDG 4: Quality Education. These activities promote academic knowledge-sharing and encourage learning, leading to both educational and professional development for participants.
    • February 28, 2023: A seminar on Rami Kışlası was held with Prof. Dr. Yüksel Çelik at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, fostering historical knowledge exchange. Proof

    • May 5, 2023: Sherzodcan Choriyev and Elbek Batirov gave a presentation on archives and libraries in Uzbekistan, enhancing participants' historical understanding. Proof

    • October 10-11, 2023: A workshop titled Perspectives on the Treaty of Lausanne was organized, led by Marmara University faculty, focusing on international perspectives and promoting academic discourse. Proof

    • October 3, 2023: A meeting to introduce first-year students to academic staff was held, assisting new students in adapting to university life and fostering quality education. Proof

    • October 11, 2023: Prof. Dr. Robert Dankoff from the University of Chicago delivered a lecture, contributing to academic knowledge-sharing in the field of history. Proof

    • December 27, 2023: Yusuf Ziya Karabıçak gave a presentation on How to Translate the French Revolution, furthering academic discourse on historical translation. Proof

  • Philosophy Talks – 14: The Right to Moralize – Prof. Espen Gamlund – January 2, 2023


The talk by Prof. Espen Gamlund from the University of Bergen is on moral philosophy. Discussions contribute to the understanding of the difference between morality and moralism, the role of moral values at both societal and individual levels, how moral norms are determined, and the impact of this process on social structures. In this context, the talk can be related to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), as understanding moral values can provide ideas that contribute to ensuring peace and justice by examining how social norms and conceptions of justice are shaped. Studies in moral philosophy can lay a foundation for supporting the rule of law and the development of strong institutions. Secondly, it relates to SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) since discussions on moral philosophy can address social inequalities and explore how social norms can be applied more justly and equitably. Reducing inequality is possible by understanding how moral and ethical standards can be effective at the societal level. Thirdly, it relates to SDG 4 (Quality Education), as analyzing how moral values are integrated into education and how individuals are educated to make moral decisions is an essential part of quality education. Finally, examining how moral norms affect individuals' psychological and social well-being in moral philosophy discussions also relates to this goal, contributing to discussions on societal and individual health and well-being.

  • Philosophy Talks – 15: “A Critical Theory of Myth? – Dispatches from 20th Century Political Thought” - Dr. Carmen Lea Dege – January 28, 2023



The discussions in the talk provide insights into understanding the impact of myths on political thought and social structures. Analyzing myths in relation to political thought and institutional structures can be crucial to understanding how social norms and conceptions of justice are shaped. A critical approach can contribute to creating just and strong institutions. Furthermore, it is valuable for understanding the roots of inequalities and how these inequalities are perpetuated. Such a critical analysis can help develop strategies to reduce social inequalities. Discussing how the insights gained from the talk might influence individuals' political and social thinking processes can be beneficial for developing educational policies and curricula. Examining the impact of myths on societal and individual health is crucial for understanding the effects of social norms and values on psychological and social well-being. In this sense, this talk can be related to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

  • Philosophy Talks – 16: Aspects of Extraordinary - Yasin Ramazan – April 26, 2023



This talk focuses on various aspects of the concept of the "extraordinary," based on philosophical analysis and discussion. Discussing this concept provides a foundation for all areas where the term is applied. Philosophical analyses contribute to developing critical thinking and analytical skills in education. The philosophical exploration of the "extraordinary" can strengthen students' abilities in abstract thinking, critical analysis, and creative thinking. In this sense, this event can be related to SDG 4 (Quality Education).

  • Philosophy Talks 17: “Contrasts for a Quartet of Philosophers: Dilthey, Husserl, Heidegger from the Perspective of Georg Misch” – Prof. Dr. Gabor Boros – May 24, 2023



This talk focuses on comparative philosophical analyses of specific philosophers in areas such as the philosophy of language and phenomenology. The philosophical analyses and comparisons contribute to supporting quality education and scientific research and enhance critical thinking skills. The event provides a contribution aligned with goals related to education, justice, knowledge sharing, and social thought. In this regard, it can be associated with SDG 4 (Quality Education).

  • Seminar - Avenues From The Written Ethics Back to Spinoza’s Unwritten Philosophy – Prof. Dr. Gabor Boros Karoli Gaspar University – Faculty of Arts and Sciences Conference Hall – May 25, 2023


In the seminar held face-to-face at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Conference Hall, we hosted Prof. Dr. Gabor Baros as a speaker. The talk focused primarily on Spinoza's ethical understanding. This seminar, which contained deep reflections on ethics, nature, and human understanding, provided participants with access to quality education opportunities by enhancing access to philosophical knowledge and thought. Universities and academic institutions play an essential role in achieving this goal, and this seminar was a significant initiative supporting philosophical education. In this sense, the seminar can be related to SDG 4 (Quality Education). Secondly, philosophical seminars on ethics and politics offer essential contributions to modern societies' concepts of justice and peace. The seminar provided an opportunity for reflection on social structures, ethical principles, and strong institutions through the analysis of concepts such as justice and equality. Therefore, it can be linked to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

  • Philosophy Talks – 19: Anders Herlitz - Fixing Person-Based Stakes in Distributive Theory – November 29, 2023



The subject of the talk is distributive justice theories. These theories offer an understanding of how a society's rights and obligations should be distributed according to individual characteristics and ethical values. The talk, therefore, directly relates to concepts such as justice, equality, and well-being. The event can first be associated with SDG 1 (No Poverty), as it addresses the philosophical foundations of the fair distribution of resources, which can help reduce poverty. Secondly, it is connected to SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), as the talk may provide academic contributions to addressing economic, social, and political inequalities in society. Thirdly, equitable resource distribution can increase access to education and other essential services, thus supporting SDG 4 (Quality Education). Fair distribution can also enhance equality in access to healthcare, positively affecting people's health and well-being. Hence, it can be related to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). Lastly, discussing ideas such as justice, equality, and fair distribution can contribute to creating more inclusive and equitable societies, supporting SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

  • Philosophy Talks – 20: Language as a Power Game: A Wittgensteinian Perspective – Dr. Aliş Sağıroğlu – December 28, 2023



The talk focuses on the philosophy of language. The philosophical analysis of the nature, structure, and role of language can help understand how language is used and taught in education systems. This is crucial for students to develop critical thinking skills and strengthen their ability to express and communicate effectively through language. Language use plays a critical role in improving the quality of education and providing equal opportunities for education to individuals of all ages. In this sense, this event can be related to SDG 4 (Quality Education). Understanding and demonstrating the philosophical use of language is vital, as language can reflect and reinforce gender roles and inequalities. Therefore, the talk can be associated with SDG 5 (Gender Equality). The power of language has the potential to influence social and economic inequalities in society. Reducing inequalities among people may depend on more inclusive and fair use of language. In this respect, the talk is also linked to SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities). Finally, language is an essential tool in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Promoting communication and understanding between different groups can be achieved through language. How language is used can affect the quality of dialogue necessary for peace and justice.

Courses given for qualified education at our university:

Course Name

Course Code


Introduction to Education

SBMB101 Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching

Special Teaching Methods


Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching

Physical Education and Sports for the Disabled


Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching

Sociology of Education


Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching

Community Service Practices


Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching
Volunteering in Sports SPBF1011 Sports Management

This page updated by Sürdürülebilirlik on 09.09.2024 08:57:19